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Install zsh-autosuggestions in Linux

Zsh is a shell designed for interactive use, although it is also a powerful scripting language Step1: Open a Linux terminal and run the following command sudo yum install zsh wget git -ychsh -s /bin/zsh rootNote: (bash: chsh: command not found) Rn the below commandsudo yum install util-linux-user -yecho...
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Commando VM 2.0

Commando VM 2.0, a new version of Windows-based security distribution released for penetration testing community The current version of Commando VM 2.0 received major changes including, the fixes of 61 bugs and added 26 new tools with three major new features and more. In order to install software,...
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Website Hacking With CSRF Attack

  ross Site Request Forgery Attack is also known as CSRF or XSRF in short. Do not confuse it with Cross Site Scripting attack because it is totally different from that. Like SQL injection and XSS, CSRF is also one in top 10 OWASP web vulnerabilities for many...
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wifite – Mass Wifi WEP/WPA Key Cracking Tool

wifite is created to to attack multiple WEP and WPA encrypted networks at the same time. This tool is customizable to be automated with only a few arguments and can be trusted to run without supervision. Features sorts targets by power (in dB); cracks closest access points first...
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SSL Handshake Simple Definition

Simple definition of how the SSL handshake works: The SSL uses asymmetric encryption to privately share the common password to be used later in the communication for symmetric encryption. SSL Handshake: The client initiates the connection and says he wants to connect with the server.  The server sends...
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Cyborg Hawk Linux – Penetration Testing Linux Distro

Cyborg Hawk Linux is a Ubuntu (Linux) based Penetration Testing Linux Distro developed and designed for ethical hackers and penetration testers. Cyborg Hawk Distro can be used for network security and assessment and also for digital forensics. It also has various tools suited to the testing of Mobile...
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MX LOOKUP ( http://mxtoolbox.com )

This useful tool for Mx records,DNS records and More Lookup http://mxtoolbox.com/ All of your MX record, DNS, blacklist and SMTP diagnostics in one integrated tool.  Input a domain name or IP Address or Host Name.Links in the results will guide you to other relevant tools and information.  And you’ll have a chronological history of your...
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What is the Ping Command?: The ping command is a Command Prompt command used to test the ability of the source computer to reach a specified destination computer. The ping command is usually used as a simple way verify that a computer can communicate over the network with another computer or network...
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Difference between TCP and UDP

Difference between TCP and UDP TCP UDP Reliability: TCP is connection-oriented protocol. When a file or message send it will get delivered unless connections fails. If connection lost, the server will request the lost part. There is no corruption while transferring a message. Reliability: UDP is connectionless protocol....
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