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Azure Subscription Inventory Export to CSV

The below script use to export the azure subscription resources inventory to CSV file. the script Need to run on Powershell

# Connect to Azure

# Once signed in, use the Azure PowerShell cmdlets to access and manage resources in your subscription.

# Select a subscription by name
Set-AzContext -Subscription '<SubscriptionName>'

$result = "C:\Temp\azureresult.csv"

"SubscriptionName,SubscriptionId,Resource,Name,ResourceGroupName,ResourceId" `
| out-file $result -encoding ascii

# Loop through the resources and add to the output file
ForEach ($resource in Get-AzResource)
$AzureSubscription.Name + "," + `
$AzureSubscription.SubscriptionId + "," + `
$resource.ResourceType + "," + `
$resource.Name + "," + `
$resource.ResourceGroupName + "," + `
$resource.ResourceId `
| out-file $result -encoding ascii -append

Write-Output "Check $result"

