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Enhancing Application Resilience with AWS Resiliency Hub

In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, ensuring the resilience of applications is paramount for businesses to maintain operational efficiency and customer satisfaction. With the increasing reliance on cloud services, organizations are turning to platforms like Amazon Web Services (AWS) Resiliency Hub to assess and improve the resilience of their...
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Deploy Jenkins Service On ECS – Ali Cloud

how to deploy the Jenkins service on an Alibaba Cloud ECS instance. Jenkins is an open-source continuous integration software tool written in the Java programming language for monitoring continuous and duplicate jobs. It aims to provide an open and easy-to-use software platform for continuous software integration. The following...
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Hosting a Static Website in AWS S3 Bucket

Static websites have fixed content with no backend processing. They can contain HTML pages, images, style sheets, and all of the files required to render the website, but there is no server-side scripting or database. If desired, the web pages can provide interactivity and run programming logic by...
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AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM)

Amazon Web Services (AWS) Identity and Access Management (IAM) is a directory service designed to track users on your system and provide a way to keep track of information about authentication methods. IAM helps you track double credentials and permissions. For example, a business owner can create many...
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Install zsh-autosuggestions in Linux

Zsh is a shell designed for interactive use, although it is also a powerful scripting language Step1: Open a Linux terminal and run the following command sudo yum install zsh wget git -ychsh -s /bin/zsh rootNote: (bash: chsh: command not found) Rn the below commandsudo yum install util-linux-user -yecho...
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Azure Subscription Inventory Export to CSV

The below script use to export the azure subscription resources inventory to CSV file. the script Need to run on Powershell # Connect to Azure Connect-AzAccount # Once signed in, use the Azure PowerShell cmdlets to access and manage resources in your subscription. Get-AzSubscription # Select a subscription...
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